Lupus Knows No Boundries

A Caregiver's Poem
A Caregiver's Story, Scleroderma
A Smoker's Story....."I Just Want To Live"
Card of Thanks
Coping With Autoimmunity
Fibromyalgia and Ankylosing Spondylitis
Fibromyalgia Talks To You
Hypothyroidism, Low Thyroid Condition
Induced Platelet Disorder
Life With SLE
Living With Chronic Pain
Lupus Knows No Boundries
Lupus, Scleroderma & Raynaud's
Lupus, I Just Want To Be Normal
Multiple Sclerosis, Diane's Story
Polyarteritis Nodosa, "My Old Doctor Is History"
Polyarteritis Nodosa, Winning The Battle
Pregnancy Loss and Lupus, This Is My Story
Raynaud's Phenomenon: Cold Hands, Warm Heart
Recovering From Depression


Hello, I am War War and living in Germany. I got Raynaud's Phenomenon last year January. I got also Lupus last year April. I had suffered all symptoms of lupus. I was 10 days in hospital. I use every day cortisone and hydrochloroquen. I have not too much problem with pain up to now.

I got checked every 4 months for lupus. Last time I got very strong
cold. I got antibiotica treatment. Last 4 months I had a little bit breathing problem. If I had a stress or if I made hurry I got hard breathing and craf. While I met my Prof.Dr I explained about my problem. Because of this problem I have been in hospital nearly 3 weeks.

According CT results they found out some of my lung under part is white colour. They wanted to know exactly why ( because of my lupus, because of my cold, because of medication or because of some other reasons). My examinations are not yet ready. They want to do also small

If I know more informations I will write again. I wish all the lupus people a good health.

War War Min Schaefer

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